
Cancer Unravelled (DIGITAL ONLY)



An important note about the digital edition – The text of this digital edition may vary slightly from the print text as Dr McKinney (non-practicing) continues to update the digital version from time to time as new information becomes available.

“Following his groundbreaking text Naturopathic Oncology, Dr. McKinney has taken the next step in quantifying naturopathic and integrative oncology in this book. Excellent science, and actionable steps, are clearly laid out for anyone to follow.”
— Dr. Paul S. Anderson author of Cancer, the Journey from Diagnosis to Empowerment and co-author with Dr. Mark Stengler of Outside the Box Cancer Therapies.

I have tried to understand cancer since entering research in 1977 on sub-atomic particle beam radiation and radiosensitizing drugs. In over 35 years of practice in integrative oncology I was baffled why cancer would suddenly reappear when apparently cured, or turn from indolent to incurable. Despite all its daunting complexities, it appeared that the central issues are cancer’s metabolic dependence on fermentation, it’s ability to reprogram its genetics, the ability to become like stem cells and spread and grow infinitely, and its ability to avoid and even manipulate the immune system. Diving deep into the current research on these has revealed they are deeply interconnected, and there are key transition points where cancer can be disrupted. New candidate natural therapeutics have emerged, and new concepts in monitoring the success of interventions. Included are details how these remedies may interact with standard cancer care, as well as cautions and contraindications. Integrating these natural adjuncts will improve quality of life and outcomes for cancer patients.